Return Policy

At we work hard to bring you high quality products that satisfy you and your expectations.

In the event that this is not the case, and you wish to return one item, you may do so within 14 days after you’ve received your order. You will receive a refund within 14 days after receiving the item at

How to return an item

You must send an email to and only after receiving a confirmation email for the return, you can return the products.

The address to which the product must be returned is:


Av. Lopez de Mena 24

29670 San Pedro, Malaga


Items must be returned new and in the conditions in which they were delivered.

Items must be returned new and in the conditions in which they were delivered. And please, keep your mail receipt as proof of delivery.

The costs associated with the return: payment and delivery process are covered by the client (you).

Please check your shipment carefully upon arrival to ensure that it has not been damaged during shipment. All claims for damaged goods must be made no later than 48 hours after receipt.